Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our First Blog

Hey, just wanted to get started. More later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bro Tom...You'll probably get more suggestions for 'a good read,' but I'll get one in early! It's called "Celebration of Discipline," written by Richard Foster, a Quaker. The inspiration and insights are ecumenical, so no matter one's religious preference, I believe all may gain from the named disciplines. Some are now using this book for classes, Sunday or otherwise. Named chapters include: Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Solitude, Study, Submission and more.
Practicing any one of these ten minutes a day in one's quiet place reaps spiritual rewards. Some of your readers, I would expect that some of your readers have had experience with the book and the disciplines. You mentioned the journey, and growth, which is in line with what Foster says in the chapter on Meditation, page 32: "There is progression in the spiritual life, and it is wise to have some experience with lesser peaks before trying to tackle the Mt. Everest of the soul. "I like your description of the "Shalom" experience. One other thing (before I write more than you want!)you write about, is the good deed of embracing and being a friend to those nobody else wants. Such a great part of our mission, and taken too lightly. Good thing you're doing. Dale